Category Archives: TylerCralle

The Wrap Up 8.12.15

The Wrap Up 8.12.15

HOUR ONE Man shoots at police during march in Ferguson on the one year anniversary of the death of Michael Brown, crazy shoot out in Gastonia NC, new poll STILL finds The Donald leading by 10 points even after the poor debate performance, and the debate over The Donald seems to be less about Trump…MORE

The Wrap Up 8.11.15

The Wrap Up 8.11.15

HOUR ONE Governor Rick Perry’s campaign runs low on cash and can’t pay staffers, new poll finds Trump increasing his lead on the GOP field, David French argues conservatives were way too quick to jump on the outrage machine usually driven by liberals and he is absolutely right, John Fund argues Trump is not who…MORE

The Wrap Up 8.10.15

The Wrap Up 8.10.15

HOUR ONE Man shoots at police during march in Ferguson on the one year anniversary of the death of Michael Brown, crazy shoot out in Gastonia NC, new poll STILL finds The Donald leading by 10 points even after the poor debate performance, and the debate over The Donald seems to be less about Trump…MORE

The Wrap Up 8.5.15

The Wrap Up 8.5.15

HOUR ONE Fox News announces GOP presidential debate field for both debate the Big Dance & the The NIT, Byron York and other conservatives argue that the NIT might be a better opportunity for candidates, Kelly Osbourne tries to attack Donald Trump for being racist ends up looking more racist herself, and liberals will NEVER…MORE

The Wrap Up 8.4.15

The Wrap Up 8.4.15

HOUR ONE Every power couple of the 1990’s decided to separate yesterday, New poll numbers should Hillary falling in the polls but she is still doing better than a lot of Republicans, SHOCKER: latino voters don’t like Trump, Politico ponders if Trump is a net positive for the GOP… North Carolina Hour Man’s exposed backside…MORE

The Wrap Up 8.3.15

The Wrap Up 8.3.15

HOUR ONE Sad news to start the week as Rowdy Roddy Piper dies over the weekend of cardiac arrest at the age of 61, Breitbart reports Boehner may not have had the numbers last week to vote on Meadow’s resolution, Roy Cooper raises money money than Governor McCrory in the 1st half of the year,…MORE

The Wrap Up 7.28.15

The Wrap Up 7.28.15

HOUR ONE New article rehashes old rumors that Donald Trump raped Ivana Trump while they were married but it is Trump’s spokesman who really highlights the importance of hiring campaign people to run your campaign, new poll finds Trump doing EVEN BETTER in New Hampshire doubling his closest competitor, MSNBC seems ready to turn on…MORE

The Wrap Up 7.27.15

The Wrap Up 7.27.15

HOUR ONE Senate Smackdown as Ted Cruz & Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell battle behind the scenes and on the senate floor forcing colleagues to choose sides, Trump’s numbers continue to impress as he reaches #1 in New Hampshire and #2 in Iowa, but Trump’s biggest problems are going to be explaining away his constant…MORE

The Wrap Up 7.22.15

The Wrap Up 7.22.15

HOUR ONE Wilmington City Council unanimously passes incentive package for AAIPharma making Commissioner Woody White the only local official to even question the ongoing cycle of incentives, hundreds show up to voice opposition to seismic testing & offshore drilling proving that liberals are the TRUE science deniers North Carolina Hour Richie Miller, CEO of GEOSpectrum,…MORE

The Wrap Up 7.21.15

The Wrap Up 7.21.15

HOUR ONE New ABC News/WaPo poll finds Trump leading his closest challenger by almost double however poll also finds that support dropped off significantly after comments about McCain, Scott Waker leads in Iowa because Trump lacks ability to connect with evangelicals, while the GOP tussles the Dems look poised for a rumble that could derail…MORE