Every power couple of the 1990’s decided to separate yesterday, New poll numbers should Hillary falling in the polls but she is still doing better than a lot of Republicans, SHOCKER: latino voters don’t like Trump, Politico ponders if Trump is a net positive for the GOP…
North Carolina Hour
Man’s exposed backside asks question about gender equality in the workplace, State House propose almost 4.2 billion dollars in spending across the state, former SEANC head Dana Cope indicted by a grand jury on two counts of obtaining property under false pretenses and just an FYI all the board members who originally defended him and threatened the N&O for reporting on Cope’s corruption still have their jobs…
Prime Time
CEO of FreedomWorks, Adam Brandon, joins Tyler to talk about the Mark Meadows resolution to remove John Boehner as Speaker, the timing of the resolution, will it distract from other issues, and what will happen when Congress gets back from August recess. leadership is easier said than done as we seen in NY as man who fought for sick paid leave is not providing sick paid leave, and David Macaione joins Tyler in studio to talk about the mortgage maket
The Last Call
New poll numbers should Hillary falling in the polls but she is still doing better than a lot of Republicans, Fox News poll shows Trump with the biggest lead any GOP candidate has ever had and it shows he is leading with tea party voters and evangelicals, SHOCKER: latino voters don’t like Trump, Politico ponders if Trump is a net positive for the GOP…